What is Seismic Retrofitting?

Seismic retrofitting strengthens existing (soft-story) buildings to make them more resistant to earthquakes by reinforcing structural elements. This process is essential for enhancing safety and reducing the risk of damage during seismic events, particularly in earthquake-prone areas like California.

What is a soft-story building?

A soft story building is one where the ground or lower floors have less structural strength compared to the upper floors, often due to open spaces like parking garages or storefronts with few supporting walls. This design makes the building more vulnerable to collapse during an earthquake. Seismic retrofitting is often needed to strengthen these structures and reduce the risk of failure.

What’s the process with HZS like?

We handle the complete process from start to finish from engineering and design, to permitting and construction. Our team will ensure the safety and well-being of your property (and tenants).